I live in the US have been suscribing to the paper version of ME for many years. I want to switch to digital. How to do this? Do I call the US representative or UK direct? Do I keep my subscription number? Or do I just start from scratch using this WEB site?
You will have to change what you buy when you next come to renew your subscription. Should be as simple as that. I think (but would have to check) you just cancel your old sub at the end of its course and start a new one.
You can simply subscribe to the digital edition on the website.. Only the paper edition forces you to subscribe via ExpressMag.
[Note that if your current paper subscription (via Expressmag) is still running, you should have access to the digital version as well right now based on that, since a paper subscription includes digital access. When that subscription expires you can just subscribe to digital via the website].