Dave, your post brought back "Happy Memories" of being put to operating a pressbrake, with a "guard" which did not work at the tender age of 16.. This thing would suck you in and blow you out in bubbles, I wonder what the H&S shower would make of it these days !
We also had degreesing baths using something called Tricoetheleane [excuse the spelling, 50 years on ], this stuff would send you on a trip, no bother !
And yet, we are still around ! Who needs guards, ear defenders. facemasks ect ? These things are for wimps !
So what if you end up with being half deaf, half blind, with rotten lungs and minus a few fingers ?
Do you think the "Company" cared ? Did they hell !
Been there ,done that ect,ect.
Looking back, I ask, how did they ever get away with it ?
These days, it,s gone the other way, you can,t switch on a machine unless you have a "Cert"
Excuse me while I go and pour a strong drink, I need one !