Gosh, thank you.
I have only ever had hand tools, so I guess I have learned a certain precision over years of practise. Also, you can plane and sand quite accurately to a line if you are careful to eliminate inaccuracies such as your wrist turning over.
We needed a stand for my wife's rocking horse and I find the normal rocking horse stand pattern with all the horizontal elements to be a bit clumsy, so I came up with a twin tripod design, which is more open. I was careful to design it so that all the loads are compression loads along and through the legs, and not relying on the joins, which only stabilise it rather than support any significant load.
The sequence below shows the process – all done with hand tools.
We are in the process of moving house hopefully, so all now has to be packed away, to be finished after we have moved and I have finally built a workshop !
I will post pictures of the finished piece.
Tripods will fit. I can use cut down pre-made staircase balustrade pieces made from Hickory.

Glueing the first two legs. (I did use a lot of clamps for the glue-up, not shown).

Tops cut, planed and sanded to size. Adding the third leg

Routing a groove for the metal channel

The twin tripod stand concept

Edited By John Doe 2 on 26/06/2022 12:27:21