As those with a Warco machines will know the face plate supplied is a huge chunk of cast iron, weighing in at 5 kilo's, far to big for most of us to have whizzing round at any substantial speed so I made a 'sub faceplate' for my lathe when I needed to machine the flywheel for my 'Educational model' engine; it is 6" dia' from an old bench drill table that was in the 'for later' box. The boss on the back was machined to true up dings & dints & then I set it up, marked where the #1 jaw was for consistent location, skimmed the face & rim for concentricity, made up a draw bar for secure fixing to 3 jaw chuck, drilled & tapped a few 6mm holes for starters. I now have a small faceplate that I can drill & tap more holes to suit any particular job, or even small slots if needed. Holes/slots will be diametrically opposite for better balancing of course.
Rod Neep's solution of a Unimat faceplate is another good idea, may look at doing the same myself, but for the mo' my creation suits. No doubt there are numerous other ideas which will be just as effective…
Skimming the OEM boss on the plate…
A few tapped holes…
Here I'm using it to machine the S10V standard…
Educational model fly wheel…
Edited By mechman48 on 25/05/2016 22:20:41