Now that I have drilled eight aluminium and brass flywheels I have noticed that my drilled holes seemed to be getting smaller ! The steel mandrels that were a good fit at first are now too tight. How can that be ? Surely the drill bits cannot be wearing ?
Once I have got the flywheels running true in the chuck, my procedure is as follows. I either grip the outer surface, inner surface or grip the hub ; on a small lathe like this you take whatever is on offer. The largest flywheel I can machine using this method is 80mm diameter as the cross slide will not come out any further.
1. facing cut on the hub
2. spot drill 3mm about half way through the hub
3. 3mm jobber drill all the way through
4. spot drill 6mm about half way through (perhaps not necessary)
5. 6mm jobber drill all the way through
6. finish off with a 6mm H7 reamer (doesn't seem to be doing much at all ?)
7. turn over and face off the other side of the hub
8, fit steel mandrel and machine outer surface of flywheel
9. machine the two outer edges
10. tidy up with a small file along all the sharp outer and inner edges.
Would an adjustable 6 to 6.5mm reamer be a wise purchase at this point ?
Edited By Brian John on 08/10/2015 07:29:50
Edited By Brian John on 08/10/2015 07:30:12
Edited By Brian John on 08/10/2015 07:30:48