With apologies to Dale Carnegie.
I am unhappy, very unhappy. After a long time with unfettered access to all of this site I am, without warning, restricted. I have been labelled “Not Trusted” which hurts and which I take personally. You can dress it up all you like but whatever your motive that is in reality what you have done. Why am I so unhappy? Let me put this in context.
I have been registered on this site for a number of years (yes YEARS). I have advertised on this site. I subscribe to Model Engineers Workshop (print and digital) and access the archive through this site. I don’t just casually browse this site I actually log-in almost every day. I have even asked Neil for help when I could not access my account.
So in summary this site and Mytime Media should know my activity on this site, my email address, my full real name, my “stage” name, my gender, my full postal address, my telephone number (landline), my contact preferences, my bank details and, as far as it relates to my subscription direct debit, my credit history! However this is not enough apparently to make me trusted. I am obviously considered a potential spammer, scammer, phisherman or any of the other low lifes out there. My crime is that I have not posted.
Well dear Mods, like millions who buy a daily newspaper and the less than millions that buy printed copies of MTM publications I am by preference a reader not a writer. I log-in to read the posts and to browse the classifieds.
As far as posts are concerned I have (until now!
) never had an overwhelming urge to ask questions or comment on others. I leave that to others far more knowledgeable than me and who can express it more eloquently than I ever could. Indeed there are some on this site who seem to have made a career from posting (you know who you are) and good on them. I enjoy READING the posts. I have learnt a lot and laughed a little.
I also browse the classifieds hoping to see something of interest. Now suddenly without warning, despite my history, I am barred from viewing contact details because I am not trusted. Contact details of course include location which is most important. If interested in a Bridgeport 3 miles or 300 miles from where I live could be a deal breaker, less so if it was an end mill if you get my drift.
I know it says I can go cap in hand to a Moderator if I want to see contact details but why should I have to? Before I do can you Mods please answer some simple questions.
- What in-depth critical analysis of my character will you undertake, over and above that information MTM already have about me that will convince you to trust me?
- Are you telling advertisers not to rush and accept the first offer as there may be people like me who may be willing to pay the asking price but it may take a few days to make contact?
- To be trusted one appears to have to post regularly. If I HAVE to post regularly just how regular is regular? If I forget to post will I be untrusted?
- How many people are registered on this site, how many have been affected by spammers and what percentage are not now trusted? Am I the only one?
If you want to protect advertisers there are ways to contact a seller without disclosing their email address and without upsetting existing users and with better PR! Have a word with a well know auction site!