How to get the subscription number for archive


How to get the subscription number for archive

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines How to get the subscription number for archive

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  • #342924
    Anders E

      According to the instructions I will need a 10 digit subscription number to register for access to the digital archive. When mailing the customer services I get the following answer:

      "As you have subscribed directly with pocketmags you will not have a subscription number to gain access to the Online Archive."

      Is this true? One important reason for renewing my subscription was to have access to certain articles in the archive.

      In the Subscription FAQ I read that the archive is open to all Digital and Digital and Print subscribers. So how can I do to access the archive.


      Anders E
        Neil Wyatt

          Hello Anders,

          I'm afraid the digital subscription is only available to people subscribing directly through our website using these links:

          Model Engineer

          Model Engineers' Workshop

          All I can suggest is you cancel your subscription with pocketmags and take one out using the above links.

          I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


          Anders E

            Hello Neil,

            Thank you for your answer. For me this is not a small incinveniience. I have paid almost 50 pounds for merchandise (subscription +archive) that I, based on the website information, had reason to believe I would receive. To cancel and subscribe via Model Engineer will mean I have to pay another 50 pound.

            I suggest that you clarify the information on the website to avoid further misunderstandings or, better, decide to open the archive to all subscribers.

            To settle my case in a positive way I suggest that you find a way to give me a year of archive access especially since it will not cost Model Engineer anything.



            Edited By Anders Eriksson 1 on 25/02/2018 14:43:34

            Edited By Anders Eriksson 1 on 25/02/2018 14:44:00

            Neil Wyatt

              Anders, I have sent you an email and contacted the subs manager, but please be patient as they don't work weekends.


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