The specific requirements of industry are infinite, I suppose, and there are some very unusual tools that without specific reference to their intended purpose would be very difficult to identify how they were used.
An industry specific need would explain all. Pay them enough money and companies will make anything the customer wants. Organisations order specials galore, anything from productivity enhancing lathe accessories, to a new nuclear submarine, better specified than all existing submarines.
My guess is this chuck wasn’t intended to fit on a lathe. Something slow moving, such as a rotary table on a grinding machine. Perhaps part of a jig or fixture. We can only guess because the rest of the set-up is missing.
Could the slots double as a bayonet fitting?

If a bayonet fitting, I’d expect the surface behind the edge I’ve highlighted in red above to be a machined ramp, maybe with a register. Any sign of machining behind, or are the holes just the usual weight saving feature?