Posted by duncan webster on 12/07/2021 15:21:58:
If you have a captive drawbar, which is what centec is designed for, you can't get a mt2 with tang in. If you cut off the tang you then can't get the mt2 out, no slot in mandrel. You could have a non captive drawbar and use a rod down the hole to bump the mt2 out, but far and away the best is mt2 with tapped hole for drawbar and a captive drawbar
I'd go along with that; there's a couple of photos of my own drawbar in This Album, which I uploaded for someone previously.
See also This Album for a variety of threaded shank collet chucks
N.B. most of the MT2 ER25/32 collect chucks these days seem to come with an M10 thread, rather than 3/8 BSW (I suspect the thread designation of 1/2"BSW in your diagram may be wrong)
I use a Clarkson in the Centec, which came threaded 3/8" as standard, so no problem for me.
In the Dore Westbury, I use various different MT2 cutters and chucks, but this only has a small through hole for the drawbar. As such, I've got several small collar converters to fit the shanks of my various MT2 tooling, all are tapped 1/4 BSW for the drawbar, but have ODs of either 3/8"BSW or M10 so I can use any combination.
If you're going to make a new drawbar for the Centec, one idea might be to terminate in in an M6 high tensile stud, and then use adaptors, so that both 3/8"BSW and M10 MT" shanks can be accommodated.
Maybe put a screwdriver slot in the bottom end of the thread adaptor, just in case you leave it behind on the end of the captive drawbar, to save having to remove the top collar and spring etc.
Re. the tang situation, for the DW mill I do have a couple of tanged MT2 tapers, which I have drilled and tapped M6 for its drawbar, so if you're careful with the length of your Centec drawbar, you might be able to do something similar with that as well.