Hi, I am really getting into this now, and thanks to those who have helped with my previous questions, they really are useful, and I'm learning.
I can now use my new vertical slide, and a cutter in the collet system I have made for my 1/2" Elu woodworking router collet holder. This holds a 1/2" end mill and it works OK.
However, I have read that I should use the leadscrew handle to move the saddle towards the chuck to increase the depth of cut when I am milling, but my old Boxford AUD doesn't have one and there is only a very short end of the leadscrew sticking out of the right hand end bracket.
I am not sure how to fix a handle on here, any ideas, please?
The Boxford handbook does mention a handlewheel at one point, but does not elaborate, so that's not a lot of help. I have been using the saddle handle, but it is a bit brutal for this job!