Posted by Cabinet Enforcer on 26/05/2020 13:37:41:
One option I have seen used is to consider having two identical vices, depending on what you make this can be very handy and means slightly smaller ones can be considered.
That was part of my reasoning in getting the two Vertex VJ-400 types. If I needed to hold something long spanning the two vices would work fine.
The three opening settings give me pretty much the holding ability of a 7" vice in something little more than a normal 4" vice size. For most of my use its effectively a 4" jaw x 5" opening vice. I have a larger 6" vice should I need a wider jaw but have never needed it since I got the Vertex vices. But if I'd got an ordinary 4" jaw one odds are the 6" would have been mounted the first time I needed more opening and just stayed. So in many ways I agree with the folk who have settled on the 6" one as a good compromise. But a conventional 6" is considerably heftier and I'd miss that extra 1" of opening for enough odd jobs.
Edited By Clive Foster on 26/05/2020 14:20:00