Posted by JasonB on 19/12/2020 20:54:53:
Have a look at the other thread "shimming techniques" that is running at the moment.
Bit of old feeler gauge got my two Sieg mills ( X3 and SX2.7)to less than 0.01mm over a 140mm dia circle.
Or you might be totally confused by all the unicorn chasing going on in that thread. Best follow Jason's advice and use a bit of feeler gauge or a piece of flat shim stock available on eBay etc in sizes down to .001" aka ,025mm.
I wouldn't use aluminium foil because it is very ductile and could squeeze out of the gap somewhat over time and repeated stress cycles under cutting load. But others use it and seem to be happy. So take your pick.
As to how close? You could probably live with .025mm variation for most hobby purposes. But its nice to get closer to .01mm etc if you can, without spending the rest of your life chasing it.
Edited By Hopper on 19/12/2020 23:38:13