How about a section on material sources


How about a section on material sources

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions How about a section on material sources

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  • #39093
    Clive Farrar
      Clive Farrar
                    I have been enjoying MEW for over a year on subscription. I particularly liked the series on the mini lathe and have done most of the machine mods that were suggested.
        Success with those items and grinding jigs from the “workshop” series of books have made me feel confident to tackle bigger more complex items.
        To whit converting my mini mill from gear drive to belt drive, see the thread i started.
        Members gave me plans and instructions and i went in search of material.
        Aluminium plate 16 and 9.5 thick , 25 sq bar and 83 and 150 diameter bar.
        The usual suppliers had smaller stuff but not the bigger ones unless in large quantiites. With one supplier i nearly fell off my chair at his offcuts prices.
        So the point of this thread would it be good to have a materials sourcuing section where members could place the details of good , reasonably priced suppliers for the slightly larger than miniature and or unusual materials.
        Even better would be  a links section so that we dont have to sift masses of threads.  If there is already such a links section i applogise but i have not found it.
        Please take this as the constructive suggestion intended. I really enjoy MEW and have normally read it through once within two days or receipt.
        Keep up the good work
        Regards   Clive


          I will start the ball rolling. 

          I buy my metal in small quantities from:-

          PL Hill in Bradford (he will send by mail)

          Metal Supermarket (a national company)

          B&Q When I have to (Their steel is pretty rubbish for machining)



          Leeds UK

          Michael Cox 1
              Folkestone Engineering Services, run by a model engineer for model engineers. Good honest pricing and service.[] College Engineering Services , good range, reasonable prices and also deliver to exhibitions at no extra cost.
              Cultivate your local scrappy, you will be surprised what turns up, I bought a piece of high grade aluminium alloy, 6″” diameter for £10 and got, what if cut off for me would have been £70+ . Just get to know your alloys and be careful what you buy. Aircraft grades can be a *** to machine.
              Peter Gain
                It would also be helpful to compile a list of suppliers of small items such as taps, dies, drills, tool steel, & etc., which are manufactured the UK, Western Europe, or USA. Some Far Eastern items may be OK but for the above products I prefer to pay the extra for known good quality. Surely I’m not the only person? At Alexandra Palace I could not find one trader able to sell me some good quality tool steel.
                Peter Gain.
                Eric Cox

                  For small items you need an engineering supplies company such as Buck&Hickman

                    One of the problems in trying to start this type of thread is one of location. When you add postage to some of the raw material costs, you sometimes seem to need to take out a second mortgage. Having dealt for a number of years in “Full size ” ingineering, when looking at freezebay prices one can only wonder if anyone actually slashes their wrists and buys at these prices??
                      If yer can’t get into your local material scrap yard, check at Garages for dead bearings and lumps of bar (Ex steering racks, drive shafts etc. etc.) Get the Yelling pages out and have a scan for local manufacturing engineering firms (Yes, there are still one or two left), Manufacturing plastic window/door firms have offcuts of alumininininum extrusions in both HE9 (Crap) and HE30 (Good).
                      Just takes a bit of lateral thinking.
                       Regards  Ian.
                    Peter Gain
                      Thanks Eric.
                      I e-mailed Buck & Hickman, they replied almost immediately that they stock Eclipse HSS & that it is manufactured in the UK. Ready for collection from my nearest branch tomorrow.
                      Agree that Folkstone Eng & College Eng Supplies are both good.
                      Peter Gain.
                      Ian S C

                        For those of us in Christchurch NZ we have “The little Metals Co” in Stewart St, of Moorehouse Av,they seem to be god for us users of small bits of non-ferrous metals. Ian S C

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