Parts of Hungary were much more industrialised than Romania. Hungary was considered, in those days, to be the ‘happiest cell in the whole blooming Jail’.
Their industries however, in the main, were rundown, the machines knackered, and their quality was dreadful. There was a rapid de-industrialisation. Hungary was full of scrap-iron. In ’04 and ‘05 I could get almost anything by way of steel, but it was mostly only fit for ‘cattle pen fittings’, it is full of ‘shuts’, hard spots and flaws. It is dreadful to machine. There was a local foundry I made patterns and tried to get then to cast them up for me but the bureaucracy involved was huge and the boss was away so nothing could be done. It too went in ’06, the whole blooming lot including the corrugated iron roofs etc.
In ’06 along came some oriental gents with suitcases full of cash. If there is one thing NO Hungarian can resist is a suitcase full of cash, especially if all the paperwork the oriental wants is a name (any name will do) on a paper written in Chinese for the cash. The scrap yards, stock yards, garages, autosbonto, (motor scrap) yards, hedge rows etc were scraped clean. Even good machines, metal framed sheds and fir tree racks were sold cut to pieces and loaded onto freight cars bound for Europort or where ever. Most of the work was done by Romanians and Bulgarians. Other things just disappeared. These included several pylons which were due to be erected on a new power line. Children’s playground swings, Street furniture and the like often just vanished. Copper also tends to do the same vanishing trick (including several kilometres of the over head conductors from the Budapest to Szeged railway).
Those local stockholders who continued in business only bought small amounts of structural steel for building. The rest just went out of business and became un-employed (a favourite Hungarian occupation). The cash, well, it too just vanished.
Why it has not yet happened in Romania is probably the general scarcity of metal working. So the ‘suitcases’ have not yet appeared.
As to postage from the U.K. it is a dead ‘rip-off’. I am trying to arrange ‘Cab freight’ where a driver puts a small package in his cab and gets a good reward on delivery. At the moment this is on hold because the boss man cannot get his head round the idea of forwarding stuff delivered to his depot in the UK by post. Any way He only wants full loads.
Jeff – in Hungary people who make things from ‘scratch’ are almost unknown. You can get a small lathe; there is one in the local DIY superstore. It has been there for years! There are model makers who make wonderful dioramas from plastic kits. There is a local 9mm railway club but making their own locos/rolling stock is beyond them. They would rather pay someone else (usually Germans) to do it for them. People are beginning to make things for themselves but it is mostly building work.
As JasonB reports metal is getting as rare as ‘hen’s teeth’ in the UK..
Keith next year, in the late spring, when things warm up a bit, I may well wander over to Arad bu i will have to investigate the busses first. in Hungary i can travel for free, how is it in Romania?.
Edited By Richard Parsons on 12/12/2010 12:35:32