Tapping as such Howard is only possible if the hole is fixed directly under the spindle – that won't work successfully if it's not.
I offer the following for anyone with limited kit which works both ways
Make brass 'tubes' to suit the tap shank – be aware that some tap shank sizes are not standard imp or metric dimensions. If so make a tube over size as close as possible then slit it so the chuck can close it slightly so the tap is a firm but loose fit in the tube.
Grind a small flat on the shank of the tap just above the threaded portion – I do this on the corner of the grinding wheel – just wide enough to take a tap wrench – the thinner the wrench the better.
With the drilled hole positioned beneath bring the tap to the hole by sliding down the tube and engage the thread. Here's an image that shows what I mean – the cylinder blocks in question had well over a hundred 8 and 7 BA holes in each, both blocks floating on the table – the angle plate and magnet acting purely as stops to prevent rotation
The brass bush is readily seen in this view
I've used this method from 16BA to 3/8 ME + and find it a very good method to get squareness and fine control over the process. The right size wrench is important – this little Eclipse is no longer available but is ideal up to 2 BA. An ideal wrench for the smaller sizes can be made from a 1" disc of mild steel, knurled on the outer diameter, the tap gripped by a cross screw.
Another method I use just as frequently but on the drill press is to lightly grip the tap directly in the drill chuck, Making sure the depth stop is not set, the drill is in lowest speed and turned on then off. As the spindle powers down the tap is brought into the hole via the quill and will tap several threads before stopping, Release chuck and tap the remainder of the hole by hand. Care is needed but mainly to ensure the tap does not bottom out.
Perhaps I should say that I do have a Tapmatic tapping attachment but can't even remember the last time I bothered to set it up.
All of the above has been done over many years and served me well and yes, all directly as a result of the same problems experienced by 'pgrbff'
Hope that's of use pg
Edited By Ramon Wilson on 03/04/2022 20:32:12