This post is a spin off from the one posted by Raymond Anderson on ER collets.
In that post Raymond remarked about having to turn short tubs of material up to prevent the inner of the ER collet from collapsing when holding short pieces, which they do.
At the same time a reference was made to the Bernerd Grip True collets as not doing this . Now as the Grip true collets are made with loose tapered vanes I'm not sure how this cannot happen the same as the ER's but it's been many years since I have used this type of collet and possibly never held short lengths anyway ?
For reference this is what the Bernerd collets look like.
Another reference was made to 5C's which can hold short pieces as being spilt from the front only they close at the front first, one drawback with this tpe is they have a very limited closing range before they become bell mouthed and although they do make the imperial range in 1/64" steps this means a total of 72 odd for a whole set.
I frightening outlay for a home shop.
Another Collet system that seems to has lost flavour this side of the Atlantic, if it was ever in flavour to start with, is the Jacobs Rubber Flex system.
There are two systems of this type, small and large. Small is usually tool holding and used on tapping heads small collet chucks fitted to high speed spindles and the like. This system I will not discuss.
The larger system is work holding, I have never seen it used for tool holding but that doesn't mean to say it's never been used for this purpose.
Similar to the Bernerd in capacity but they have hardened vanes moulded into rubber as opposed to loose vanes in the Bernerd type held by spring clips
I have had to go looking for pictures of this system as I'm away from the workshop and it's hard to find some that show the full set. Most just show one of the two or three types of chuck and the collets but this is the best I can do.
Note the differences between the bigger sizes in the Jacobs having far more vanes than the Bernerd and so a greater gripping area. Downsize of these is the rarity and price.
However the point of interest is a full set has the rubber bushing in the set, one to each collet although only three are shown here but the double ended ones do two sizes.
You fit these in from the back of the collet before fitting and they hold the collet from going completely bell mouthed.
Now my inquiring mind would like to know whether one of these which is designed for a far clearer closing gap than the 1mm used by ER's could be used in an ER ?
I do have two full sets of these collets, bungs and chucks but as I'm away from my workshop next week I cannot get a chance to try these out for a week but they are nothing special, just a hard rubber bung.
I have another way to hold short items as I do loads of the same. Thing like Myford gears get made it batches approaching 500 at a time and they need facing to 3/8" and boring accurately before they get mounted on an arbor and skimmed up in batches of 10 before going on the gear hobber.
I'll address this in another post later after folk have had a chance to add their comments.