Phoned a friend of mine to ask him had he got any brass tube about 2" in dia to make a fuel tank with. He pitched up with a length of 1 3/4 brass bar that he had cut off a length of his stock, saying he could not find any tube so I would have to bore it out. This also meant I would only have to seal one end. Beggers cannot be choosers so I was grateful.
I am waiting for the last few bits of material for the actual engine so this eve I thought I would make the tank. – Only wanted it to be small as the engine will never run for more than demonstration purposes and did not want the tank to dominate the view of the emgine.
He gave me too much so I parted off what I needed.

Cleaning up cut was taken.

The largest drill I have it an MT3 1" dia.

The cylinder was then bored out leaving a 1/8th wall thickness. I know this is massive overkill as it's not a pressure vessel. Just a container. A 1/16th inch recess was machined in for the end to sit onto.

It was parted off and an end was made. This was made 2 thou shy on size on each side and also chamfered to give the solder a happy home to flow into. Was made a tad to thick to allow for facing off later.

Flux and a ring of solder was put in. I drilled and recessed the places for the filler cap and outlet flanges will sit. I did this as I would imagine if the whole thing was sealed the expanding air would try to be pushing the end plate off.!
I know that the norm is to put the bushes on the inside. But as I said it's not a pressure vessel.

Heated and a little bit more solder applied.

Faced off and cleaned. The solder ring is just about visible if you look very hard. In reality it will not be noticed. 

Internal dimensions are 1 3/4 x 1 1/2 ins. No idea how long that will run the engine for. – That is presuming the damn thing will run at some point in the future. 
Edited By Nick_G on 11/10/2016 22:22:46