I am hoping that someone can give me some advice. My Father-in-Law passed away recently, and I have been asked to sell his Hobbymat Universal Lathe and Milling Machine plus several boxes of machine tools, collets, gears etc.
I know very little about this item, but I remember he said that he bought it new and had only used it the week he bought it. It has been sitting next to the central heating boiler in his garage ever since – I would guess 30-odd years, but I don't really know.
I need to sell it, as I don't have room or use for it. I have tried searching the web to get an idea of value, but I can't really get any idea.
I have two questions:
- Does it have any value?
- If so, where would be a good place to try and sell it, and what price should I expect/hope for?
Any advice would be much appreciated..