I have recently put up a Hobbymat for sale, both on this and another forum/website. Had a couple of responses plus the following –
Hello seller,
I am lukas Walter,I am interested in purchasing your device listed on homeworkshop.co.uk,I want to see the cost,condition and least offering Price.
I look forward to read from you.
Lukas Walter H
I sent him the details and received the following –
Thanks for your swift response,I am based in dublin,Ireland.I Apologies for the delay in replying you.I'm very much interested and the asking price is OK with me.Well I read and understand that the lathe is in a very good condition.However I'll instruct my colleague in London to issue you a Check/Draft in your name with an advance Payment which will cover the shipping to its final delivery address and having it in mind that business is based on trust,The reason is that i can not issue out a separate check to my carrier on a single transaction like this due to my company's policy.
Therefore My Client will issue out a UK draft for 2,200 GBP which will be addressed to your Name,As soon as you receive the draft,Take it to your bank,Have it Cleared in your Local Bank,Clearance should take 3-4 working days,do deduct the cost price due for the purchase and the remainder after deducting your cost will be used for the pickup by my reputable shipping company's staff Sir Ashley Owen,he will take care of the collection from your location,So you should be expecting a check/Draft in a couple of days.If this is clear please do write me back with all the details below in order to make the Payment Payable: :-
Info needed are as follows:
(1)Check payable to:
(2)Home Address:
(4)Post code:
(7)Telephone number/mobile phone:
Note :- Am ready to offer you an additional 20 GBP plus your sales price,If you do consider it sold to me and turn away every other interested buyer's or better still take off the ads of the Website.
Thanks With Regards

Noticing a squadron of pink pigs forming up overhead, I thought I ought to give Mr Walter a slight benefit of doubt and sent the following in reply –
Thank you very much for your message and the EXTREMELY generous
offer you made for the Hobbymat. Unfortunately, as a child, my parents
insisted that I should NEVER, NEVER, take advantage of another person's
generosity. I am afraid, therefore, that we cannot proceed any further
with this sale.
However, it seems to me that such exceptional kindness
of spirit should not go unnoticed and I shall, therefore, copy our
correspondence to an appropriate website in the hope that one of its
members may be able to offer you a similar machine. Should there be a
positive response, I will be in touch immediately.
Any takers?????