Thanks for the additional photo, and descrption.
Whilst clearly related to Hipp's original design; that is an interesting variant. I'm sure that I have a copy of "Electric Clocks and Chimes" somewhere; but I cannot locate it at present. If you are happy to eMail PDFs of the relevant pages, that would be a great help.
I will send you a PM with my eMail address. [Note: At the bottom of each Post on the Thread, there is a facility to "Message Member" … this lets you send a Personal/Private Message direct to that Member … they are accessed via the "My Account" box at the top left of the page.]
Look forward to reading about your restoration of the Tower Clock
For the convenience of other readers; here is a direct link to the restoration of the Santa Barbara Courthouse Clock
Edited By Michael Gilligan on 05/01/2013 08:49:21
P.S. There is an interesting monitor of the clock's performance, here.
Edited By Michael Gilligan on 05/01/2013 08:56:32