This sort of discussion always reminds me of a few things.
An interview with the founders of green peace apologising for campaigning against nuclear. They had worked out the amount of coal that had probably been burnt as a result. Also pointed out that large number of people live in areas that are very energy inefficient – if they didn't use it they wouldn't be able live there. Hence a real need to be realistic.
Mrs T being begged to ok another UK nuclear plant so that we could retain the ability to build one. Have to ask if that had been done would we still be abler to produce the parts that are needed.
North Sea gas and oil. Cheap loans for people to start up power stations and use it all up more quickly. Some hope there because it seems the licensing was pretty strict on who it could be sold to so not much profit or incentive to find all of it. Also I understand oil was sold some how or the other even though methods of extracting more and more were continuously under development.
Wind turbines do have a carbon foot print. Wonder how long they last before they need replacing. Are they capable of supplying all of our needs. Seems not but depends who you listen to. As Blare pointed out who was anti nuclear – if the lights are to be kept on when needed we will always need one as there isn't any viable alternative. The gov doesn't come up with statements like this just off the cuff. They have a need to be slightly more realistic than some pundits. Always short term though and of course votes are more important.
We are currently importing gas in pretty large quantities to prop up our needs. According to some one involved in the rather long and large pipework needed for that it will last about 30 years. Take away gas from the UK and an awful lot of houses are gong to need a 3 phase supply to get the energy in or a lot of houses will have to be knocked down and rebuilt. Bricks have a carbon foot print. No worry. Maybe Sweden via Ikea can sell us them flat pack until they run out of trees.
Maybe fusion will happen – seems to be a long time coming.
Tide – the rather large Severn estuary more correctly called the Bristol Channel seems to offer something but rather a lot of fish breed there so who knows what side effects that might have. It would probably have an effect on flooding which is already a problem. Mustn't forget the wild life too – more important than us according to some.
The uk population has grown from 55m to 65m since 1960. This hasn't grown on the basis of all kids eventually producing 2 off springs but it's well above a pair producing one. It will continue to grow.
I understand that Sweden has been more or less nuclear for some time and is now switching to ethanol, France largely so.
It's possible to look at all sorts of things with this google thingy. Energy costs are interesting as is usage.
Personally as I suspect the uk has never done the correct thing it will probably continue to do so mostly down to short termism.