11 December 2024 at 15:41 JasonB Said:
No need to experiment…
I still recommend experimenting. Jason’s experience is of a different machine. Though he’s experimented successfully on his particular box of tricks and it worked (though what machine and alloys were tried we haven’t been told) , but that doesn’t mean Colin’s Alexander head also has “the necessary power, torque and rigidity”.
I’ve run the 80mm at 5000rpm on the CNC so not sure where Dave gets his idea high speeds are only for small solid cutters
I didn’t say ‘only’. Perhaps I should have typed ‘Deckel high-speed heads are for spinning small diameter cutters doing delicate work’ and referenced lathes.co.uk who explain what heads are available, and what they are for. Jason generalises from experience, I looked the Alexander up and read the blurb.
Again gut feel, but thrashing tools by persistently running them outside their design intent feels wrong to me, especially when the tool is posh, rare and costly. Therefore I suggested Colin find out for himself by experimenting. The result he gets will be correct for his machine on his range of materials. Could be Jason and I are both wrong!
If Colin’s machine had come with a standard head , he wouldn’t have had to ask! The standard head, also posh, is tailored for ordinary cutting speeds, plenty of torque, job done! The problem here is Colin’s machine is fitted for intricate cutting with small diameter tools spun at high speed, higher the better. For speed the motor is geared up, but small diameter tools don’t need much torque. Asking a geared up head to drive a big face cutter though is questionable because they do require torque. I don’t know how well Colin’s head will perform and neither does Jason – we are both joining the dots.
Fortunately, the question can be answered by experimenting. Whilst Jason’s experience is reassuring, Colin might prefer not to hack metal with a high-speed head specially made to do delicate precision work: might be silently taking years off the life of the bearings! He certainly won’t persist with high-speed cutting if his machine complains or he can’t get a good finish.