Hi Howard,
I will do that at some point; it’s just finding the time! We usually tend to travel around the UK frequently, and have our year more or less planned out by January, but with the Covid problems it’s all been squashed up into about six months. Also, we both do the cooking weeks about (it’s me this week) so there’s that.
I’m still finding my way around the website here – they are all different, so you’ll have to bear with me. I don’t do Zoom – I have my reasons.
Find a Club and make contact.
Our Society is keeping members upto date with regular contributions to the "Latest News" on the website. I’ll see if I can find it.
Some of our local U3A Groups hold Zoom meetings. (I lurk on three every month )
So it is not a desert out there! The contacts will be useful when you can meet face to face again. That will be good.