Thanks for all the replies, in terms of what do I build etc; I started on a Stuart 10v many years ago simply because it fitted on the ML10.
I didn't know an awful lot then (not much better now), but it taught me that taking your time and reading up on stuff then I could do a decent job. I didn't have a mill so did all that on the lathe, which was time consuming but it all actually went quite well.
Now that we have youtube I can and do follow a few of the best on there which I find quite inspiring, I intend to build a clock at some point especially after watching Chris on Clickspring (that guy is a genius). I have the book and the plans, now semi retried maybe things can start to happen?
I have the ML10, now the Centec which is in great condition so anything is possible. Anyone wants to meet for a cuppa then let me know, I need to see what goes on in other mancaves for ideas.