Hello all,
I'm new to the forum, but have been watching for quite a while whilst deciding if to take the plunge and tool up for a while.
What caught my interest was the 'clickspring' series of videos on YouTube, and whilst I'm not really interested in clocks much, I found the making of your own tools fascinating.
Having decided to have a go, I've bought myself a mill first. One of the reasons is because this is the bit of kit that I've never used (used a lathe at school back in the 80s) the other reason is because I want to get some practice with it, before purchasing a lathe.
Having purchased the mill, and a DRO kit, the first project was a set of brackets for the DRO. I've done the X and Y axis, but I got held up over Christmas waiting for some m4 X 60 screws for the Z axis.
As I'd bought the Hemingway kit before Christmas, I thought I would make a start on the milling tasks, starting with the vice.
A few photos of progress so far:
I also made up some clamp plates to mount the vice riser to the table, so I could skim off the bottom of the casting:
Edited By Neil Wyatt on 07/01/2018 21:28:29