"we had a small shop with a bank of 6 in there as I remember they were filled with 'Tric' they were around 3ft x 3ft and around 4ft deep,"
My first job after school was as Trainee Instrument maker, the plating shop had a degreasing tank 4x3ft x 3ft deep that wasn't ultrasonic but 'Tric' vapourised by heating coils. It was run by Charlie, a wizened chap in black waistcoat, flat cap and a lit roll-up always hanging from the corner of his mouth. He would stick his hands and head, roll-up, cap and all, in the tank to hang/remove the wire baskets of components. Tried it myself once and skin on hands came out with a chalky white appearance after not long in the vapour. Looking back now I reckon 'old Charlie' was probably only about 40yrs old….but his flat cap was always immaculate.