Do you have access to the manual for hte VFD?
If not,the one posted here looks applicable:
You have six multi function inputs. Parameters P50-P55 control what each one does. Within those parameters, there are 20 options, half of which you can discard immediately. You will have to experiment with the others to achieve the desired behaviour (keying stop and stop keying seem to be two different modes). Note they use 'keying' to mean momentary switching and 'wire' to mean latched switching.
You need to think ahead a bit concerning what happens when you hit the limit switch – the feed motor will stop but then if you manually wind the table off the switch, what happens? If the switch re-making puts the motor back on, driving the table back onto the switch, that is not desirable. The limit switch activation needs to be like an emergency stop, and the switches themselves probably wired in series with the big red button – something that requires a full reset to make the motor run again.