Mon 26/06/2017, Experiment No 37….present are Professor numpty, ably assisted by Bonzo the dog (looking a little concerned).
Ok, I went out and bought a new bottle of meths, different brand (Diall), filled one of my trial wick holders, short piece of wick, lit it, instantly better ! nice blue flame around twice the size of the last try.
"Eureka" I thought…..cracked it
My original burner tube is completely wrecked so I filled up the steel tube I had slotted with cotton wool (which actually burnt the best out of all the wicks and stuff I had tried). Poured in my new meths till it soaked the cotton, ran my gas lighter along it…..nothing.
By this time I was getting just a teeny weeny bit frustrated so I fired up my propane torch and played it along the tube, the slots burst into flame, my joy lasted about 2 seconds as the meths boiled over and ran down the front of the bench, which happens to be a set of wooden drawers, it was also running inside the drawers.
Being well prepared I didn't panic and calmly went to dab out the flames with my trusty oil soaked rag, which burst into flames, meths then ran down my arm from my fireball burner tube, honestly, I just had to laugh, I havn't had this much excitement since my case got caught it the escalator steps at the airport.
Bonzo was last seen heading down the garden for cover.
When I got things calmed down all the slots were burning away merrily, nice and cleanly, so, almost there, and its only taken me a week, lol.
Maybe the other meths was a bad batch or they changed it or it was really old stock, I dont know. I do know that I'll be getting some thin wall brass tube and probably starting from scratch. Who would have thought such a simple thing could be such a nightmare, oh well, I now have loads of meths and a bottle of Blackcurrant mixer in the fridge……cheers !