Used to work for a company that made quarry equipment, although I was not closely involved with that side of the business. However, what you seem to have is:
A rod or ball mill right at the top, but I can't see just how it is fed.
A rotating screen (taking the output from the mill) depositing 3 sizes of sieved material into hoppers below. It looks like there is vehicular access under the hoppers, which would discharge by gravity into rail or road vehicles – for ultimate use as building / road stone.
Anything to big to go through the sieve is discharged to middle of picture 12.jpg to holding bins. This material would then be put through the rod mill again.
It seems the whole lot was probably for precious material extraction – tin (maybe silver / gold). 44.jpg shows a small crusher and manual feed table with a downcoming chute that doesn't seem to quite meet up – this chute probably coming from the fine end of the rotating sieve. This wee crusher would be producing the valuable ore. I would have expected some sort of washing table for separation of the ore, but maybe that is in the separate shed?
Reject from the wee crusher (which I see has already been restored) is taken by bucket lift back to the top of sieve area to go round again.
It is a bit tricky to see just what goes where from the photos, but it will be a beautiful model when done up. I would suggest some research on Cornish tin extraction or possibly Welsh silver / gold extraction would be fruitful.
Best of luck with your project.