Hi, Sadly I see there are a few posts with this subject at the moment. My father passed away around 5 years ago and we have decided it is time to start clearing out his beloved workshop, we would rather it went to a good home and get used by someone who loves the hobby rather than sitting gathering dust.
Unfortunately, whilst I know what most of the stuff is I have no idea of it’s worth. I don’t want to use a clearance company who will give us almost nothing back and sell it on at a premium and am happy to put a bit of time in to sort stuff out and sell it a few bits at a time, I’m actually quite enjoying slowly sorting through it.
Most of the smaller stuff I can identify and value based on what stuff is selling at on ebay and Facebook market place, it’s the bigger stuff I’m struggling with.
First there is 2 Milling machines, One small one and one with a cabinet underneath. The smaller of the 2 I can’t seem to see any indication of branding on, the larger is a Chester, but I can’t see a model number (it’s positioned awkwardly so it’s possible its in a spot I can’t yet see)
There is a large Warco bench drill Model 2B12
Finally there is a Warco “multi purpose machine” which appears to me as a layman to be a lathe with a milling head attachment. The cabinets under both the Lathe and larger milling machine appear to be full of attachments that go with them, what additional equipment would these have typically come with, or is it all likely extras he bought?
Also, for the larger milling machine and the lathe – can these be easily dismantled into smaller pieces for removal? They are obviously very heavy and I have memories of the lathe being brought in on a pallet truck through the main garage door, unfortunately this is now boarded up so would need to be carried out the side door. It has four holes on the side which look like they could be used for attaching carry handles.
We have made sure to keep the metal surfaces covered and lightly oiled so there is no surface rust on anything
Is anyone able to give me any guide as to worth of these machines please?
Thank you in advance for any help!