Another update :
Probably my final one on this thread; but those who spotted the big error in the Fig. 3(a) schematic are welcome to proclaim “I told you so !”
Over the weekend, Susan Parker kindly had a look at the schematic,
and, in answer to my questions, advised me:
- The drawing is indeed wrong, C3 [at the input] is a decoupling cap.
- If the diode is to do anything useful, then a Schottky part should be used.
- The resistor should be low inductance as a matter of principle, but otherwise is immaterial as to the tolerance etc. since is is the far side of the main reservoir cap. It does need to be of sufficient power as it is recharging the 3300uF cap.
- Note however this circuit is NOT suitable for your application, the 100R and 3300uF time constant is way too slow for your frame/strobe rate.
So … my understanding is that the circuit is good for the originally intended purpose: BUT the input is wrongly drawn and needs to better reflect the diagram in the data-sheet [which I posted earlier].
But unfortunately it is not fast enough for my proposed frame-rate.
Thanks, everyone, for your comments.
I will probably build one anyway, just for the short flash-duration, even if it doesn’t cycle at the rate I want.