Jason is correct, tooth depth has no relation to the number of teeth and hence OD.
The OD of a gear is the tooth count (N) plus 2 all divided by the diametric pitch (P):
OD = (N + 2)/P
For diametric pitch gears the addendum (J) is the inverse of the DP:
J = 1/P
In theory the dedendum is equal to the addendum, but in practice some clearance is needed, so the dedendum is greater than the addendum. The clearance is arbitrary but the dedendum is normally 1.157 divided by the diametric pitch:
K = 1.157/P
For smaller tooth count gears the clearance can be increased so the dedendum becomes:
K = 1.25/P
The total depth of cut should be marked on the involute cutters, often defined as Df, or D+F. For the cases above it will be 2.157 or 2.25 divided by P.