Since the slide block is already off the machine it would surely make sense to find out for sure what errors of flatness and parallelism it actually has . You can decide then objectively what to do .
First test is on surface plate and see if you can get thin shims in under anywhere .
Second test is bluing .
Thickness could be comparator but probably micrometer is enough .
Decide then whether errors are minor and can be ignored or are gross and need to be corrected .
I’ve mentioned hand filing/scraping but there are other non machining methods of correction possible .
If , for instance , you have one relatively big low area but with rest of surface ok you could try bonded shims .
The point mentioned about scraped surfaces having many riding points surrounded by oil sinks is certainly true but it is actually true of all machined and hand worked surfaces . Merit of scraping is that you can achieve high standards of flatness and at the same time control the ratio of rubbing area versus oil retention area to suit specific purposes .
If you want to machine the surfaces then get them surface ground professionally .
Final note – keep metal removal minimal in any case . Any large removal could alter the lateral alignment of the slides .
Michael Williams .