Hello everyone,
apart from my introductory post a few days ago this is my first post here and asking about my 2-2-2 chassis is actually one of the prime reasons for joining.
The reason behind my questions
I wish to get it operational as a rolling chassis so I need to make some missing parts. I assume it a UK design and that I could find some drawings for it and possibly some advice on the best method to make the missing parts.
Reasons for not making a boiler is I just wish to have it 'run'':-
1. on low pressure compressed air to use in STEM classes for Primary Schools I visit. I will write more on this another time.
2. personally at home to use on compressed air at a pressure comparable to what would have been its operating steam pressure.
So I have a 2-2-2. Missing the Conrod Big end + connections to the cranks and the main axle spring blocks.
I got it from a Scrap Metal Yard where it was there along with a lot of other engines (some complete).
Yard owner said a young girl drove a car in with trailer, said ''this junk was from her Granddads house", and she wanted money for it.
I asked what they paid pretending to be curious more than interested. Indian/Pakistan guy worker said scrap metal value, of course, nothing more !" Grudgingly she accepted it.
I got this engine, less the boiler as copper scrap was paying serious money so they wanted to keep it. I offered double scrap value, but guy said I was lucky to get the metal chassis as their rule was NOTHING leaves yard except in the BIG Bins.
Few Facts
- I am 69 this June 2020 and have NOT retired
- I was an apprentice trained as a Caterpillar Diesel Technician and also trained and worked for Rolls Royce Marine Division as a senior service engineer.
- Was taught pattern making and foundry casting at RMIT technical College. Also, hold Uni Post Degree qualifications in Robotics and Automation.
- Owned my Hercus 9" Model A lathe for now 40 years and used it throughout those years.
- Have a small mill (not Chinese) that uses chucks and collets from the lathe
- have a small hand shaper
- a home workshop size moving bed vintage planer
- and a huge selection of the necessary hand tools inc taps & dies Whitworth, BA, Metric SAE, and some weird instrument threads.
- an assortment of air and electric hand and pedestal tools
- and measuring tools inc gauge blocks, reamers mikes etc
- Yes, I also have a 3d printer.
- But have limited space in the area where my lathe etc is located.
I have a limited number of old back issues of Model Engineer from the 1940's but when I looked at them 6 years ago I did not see any hint of this engine or one similar.
I will try and post some images that I have stored on the site IMGUR dot come
Hopefully they show ok here?
(EDITED here and removed the 4 image links as I found out about the Album function. and I have posted one image per post following)
I trust someone here can assist me.
Stay safe and keep well in these trying Covid-19 times
David Broadbent
Edited By david broadbent 1 on 09/05/2020 08:07:09