Why do we need an idea of planned use? Robin merely asked how THAT circuit works…
my enquiry is specifically about understanding this circuit.
One of the two transistors will conduct more on power on. Make that TR2. When it conducts fully ( base biased via R1 &2) its collector is low, pulling TR1 base low, so TR1 is off, collector hi.
So, TR2 base – 0.7v, as is the top of D2. TR1 base = 0v.
A negative pulse ( meaning, the pulse edge goes from HI to LOW) passes through the two capacitors connected to D1 and D2 – the pulse does naught via D1 since the top of D1 is LO, since TR1 Base is LO and OFF already
That negative pulse on the bottom of D2 causes D2 to conduct, since its top is HI ( TR2 base = HI, since TR2 is ON).
That neg pulse pulls TR2 base low, now turning it off. Its collector goes 'off' or open circuit and voltage appears on TR1 base via R3 and R4, turning TR1 ON. TR1 ON set its collector LO ( at gnd) pulling TR2 base LO via R2. Now TR2 is OFF and TR1 is ON.
A new pulse swaps the state again – the diodes 'steer' the pulse to turn off the base of the transistor whose base is HI