HELP! Cutting Metal – But By What Means?


HELP! Cutting Metal – But By What Means?

Home Forums Beginners questions HELP! Cutting Metal – But By What Means?

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       I am going to have to obtain some means of mechanically cutting metal but by what means I am undecided.  I would appreciate any views or opinions on what others have used and the pros & cons of their choice.  Times are hard (!) so a low cost option for me is a major factor, as is the space it will take up as I have but a small workshop, and if it has to be lifted onto a workbench then weight is also a factor (I’m not getting younger!).
      So far I have considered:
      Hacksaw.  Using a hand hacksaw is hard work and for me it’s a no-no.  A power hacksaw is available, Silverline do a power hacksaw, which looks like a hand one but with a motor for £50.  Sieg do one which looks similar but has a vice built-in for £330 – some difference!  But are either any good – both use ‘normal’ hacksaw blades?  The Silverline would have to be used with a vice on the bench, ones with a built in vice could cut outdoors if portable enough.  Of course there are more ‘professional’ ones, but it’s cost and space again.  What else is there?
      Bandsaw.   There are a number of bandsaws on the market, all seem to take up a fair amount of room and start from about £220-ish so not that cheap.  The bench one I saw seems heavy.  The Clark at £220 offers horizontal and vertical cutting, but is the vertical mode good and useful, or just a bit more than just a gimmick?  A bandsaw be used outside, keeping the workshop clean, but needs a fair bit of space to be stowed it would seem.  How do others cope with it in a small workshop?
      ChopSaws.  I know these are good, but not too cheap – the Makita seems the cheapest at £190-ish – but I know chopsaws are also very noisy.  Could also be used outside but the noise could/would upset the neighbours.
      So all you old hands at this hobby, what do you use and why and what would you recommend?
          Sorry – ignore this one, I’ve inserted it twice, damned tricky this computer stuff.
          David Clark – could you bin this thread for me please in favour of the second one – many thanks 

          Edited By ChrisH on 01/12/2009 00:02:13

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