Hello from South Wales


Hello from South Wales

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  • #219771
    Jonathan Mead

      I've just registered, having been here for a few weeks as a lurker. My main interest is 16mm narrow gauge garden railways although I also build and fly radio controlled aircraft. I have a Warco WM180 lathe and am thinking hard about buying a mini-mill, but have yet to come across the job that can't be done without a mill. I'm getting proficient with the lathe, and find it is all I need for the small 16mm locos that I work on.

      My workshop is a single garage which is integrated into the house, so it stays reasonable warm and dry through the winter, although the up and over garage door is draughty!

      I'm hoping to get advice from the forums on purchasing the mill and the tooling to go with it, and will post some questions in the next few days, although have already learned a lot from the search function.

      Jonathan Mead
        Boiler Bri

          Welcome. Plenty of well informed people on this forum. Is that a Charles porter on you avatar? Brian

          Michael Gilligan

            Welcome, Jonathan

            'though I must admit a twinge of disappointment, when I realised it was not Jonathan Meades. devil … Thinks: that would have improved the quality of discussion aound here.


            David Clark 13

              Hi Jonathan. I too have a Warco WM180 and am into 16mm scale. I think there are quite a few 16 mm modellers on the forum. You will find a mill very useful for milling and drilling larger items like loco frames. The Warco WM14 mill would probably be fine for 16mm, at least it does what I need.

              I think the avatar is a Charles Pooter (not sure if spelling is correct).

              Neil Wyatt

                Hello butty, we need more members from the cradle of civilisation. Welcome to the forums!


                P.S. You will get used to Michael

                Jonathan Mead

                  Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome. I'm not sure that Jonathan Meades is interested in model engineering, and so you'll just have to put up with a retired chemical engineer who likes making things

                  I recently joined Cardiff Model Engineering Society having known some of the 16millers for a few years. They have a very nice garden line that is very popular with the children on public running days. We run 32 and 45mm stuff and have a dual gauge circuit as well as a dedicated 32mm circuit.

                  My avatar is my DJB Engineering Robert which has Hackworth valve gear from a Pooter/ Carrie but is coal fired. It is a brilliant little engine and an ideal intro to coal firing in 16mm scale. I learnt a lot from building the kit.

                  I'm currently rebuilding a John Brittain NGG16 and starting to design a diesel electric that will have a glow engine. I know that you had the Pilgrim company for a while David, and am following in your footsteps.


                  Edited By Jonathan Mead on 07/01/2016 22:25:23

                  Edited By Jonathan Mead on 07/01/2016 22:26:22

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