Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome. I'm not sure that Jonathan Meades is interested in model engineering, and so you'll just have to put up with a retired chemical engineer who likes making things 
I recently joined Cardiff Model Engineering Society having known some of the 16millers for a few years. They have a very nice garden line that is very popular with the children on public running days. We run 32 and 45mm stuff and have a dual gauge circuit as well as a dedicated 32mm circuit.
My avatar is my DJB Engineering Robert which has Hackworth valve gear from a Pooter/ Carrie but is coal fired. It is a brilliant little engine and an ideal intro to coal firing in 16mm scale. I learnt a lot from building the kit.
I'm currently rebuilding a John Brittain NGG16 and starting to design a diesel electric that will have a glow engine. I know that you had the Pilgrim company for a while David, and am following in your footsteps.
Edited By Jonathan Mead on 07/01/2016 22:25:23
Edited By Jonathan Mead on 07/01/2016 22:26:22