Hello All!
I'm a 23 year old lad looking to start my first live steam model. Budget is tight, space is little and knowledge is very limited apart from a few books which I'm trying to read. I am in the mindset of 'bigger is better' so I think to start I'd like to aim at a 5" Gauge loco. I have 2 tracks local to me and if anyone on here is local and could potentially assist in my quest to become a model engineer that'd be grand! I have looked at traction engines too, and STW are local to me but I don't quite have the budget for one of a reasonable size.
Further to all of this I only have a shed as a tiny workspace. Which literally means a workbench and I believe that's it. I obviously need tools but space is an issue. So the simpler the better if possible, most likely to buy in kits and assemble?
So what recommendations can you guys make for a beginner's 5" loco?
Thanks in advance!