Not had much luck with clubs. When I moved to Grimsby I contacted the local club, Cleethotpes and district,band requested a copy of the club magazine magazine to see what they got up to. I got a reply saying magazines were for members only. I never bothered to join.
Bournemouth club was good as was Burnham on Sea. Nottingham was very good with great facilities when I visited while going to a Myford open day. Well worth joining if I didn’t live several 100 miles away.
Thinking about it, that is where I had my first black out. I stepped up a foot onto a concrete raised platform by the gauge 1 track and blacked out onto a concrete pad 4 feet below. Luckily the traverser was at the other end or I would probably have broken my back.
This must have been when I started to get weak. It was about 10 years later after feeling weak and unable to stand unaided for about 6 years that I had a pacemaker fitted. I had 2 black out episodes 1 month apart and was taken to hospital for tests. Brain scan and trace ok. Heart scan and trace fine. They did a 24 hour heart monitor fine. They did another 48 hour heart trace and lost the results. About a week later, they found the results and said they were fine. This was 4 weeks after going into hospital. They did a final review and they said they could find nothing wrong with me and I could go home. 2 days later, another doctor reviewed the case with a view to discharging me. He said he wanted to discuss me with the cardiac team because he was not happy with the trace,
So they reviewed ma a said they were going to fit a pacemaker, not because I needed one but I problem would in a few years so It would rule out a heart problem. So I had it fitted and no more blackouts. Pure luck than judgement but it worked. They think I had an intermittent electrical fault with my heart. So, 6 years being an able to stand all caused by an undiagnosed heart condition. Oh well, never mind.