G’Day from Australia. I registered some time back but have not posted. A member did help me out with some information on the Stent Tool and cutter grinder that I was restoring which was very good. My father passed away a few years back and I inherited all his machine tools include a Myford super 7 and an RF45 clone milling machine. Dad was a model engineer most of his life and I still have some of his ME magazines from the 50’s. I was bit of disappointment as I did not take to model engineering as I was mostly interested in electronics. I was not sure what to do with Dads tools until I stumbled across Stephan Gotteswinters channel and that inspired me to have a go and since then I have been hooked. I have made a couple of Stephans shop tools and and added a DRO, quill feed and depth stop to the mill and a DRO to the lathe.
I have started fixing up some of Dads old models including a Vulcan beam engine and I am currently working on LBSC’s Kiddies fire engine. I will post some pictures in the work in progress forum.
I hope to work up the courage to attempt a Locomotive some day maybe a Simplex.