Hello – Boxford Model


Hello – Boxford Model

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  • #753536
    Julian Ramsey

      Good evening – and hoping for help please.

      Finally, I have found space for a small lathe in the garage, a Boxford Model B, S/N BUD-111-37272.  For its age, it is in very good condition and as it came out of a school, has not been savagely abused, just has a nice patina about it.  And only £120 as well – bargain I thought.

      It is 3ph, but I can easily and cheaply convert it myself to 1ph operation with a VSD.  The Dickson tool post is there but the tool holders are missing, should not be hard to locate.  And the gear to drive the feed screw has been removed – probably a school ‘elf ‘n safety requirement, I could live without this but nice to have the feature back.

      The biggest issue is that it does not have it’s tailstock, and that is why I have joined up here, at the recommendation of a friend who shares similar interests.  Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I might be able to get a tailstock?  Maybe even someone have one for sale? The tailstock is the key thing, without that it is just half a machine.

      I looked on Fleebay with no luck, hence why I came here.  I am new to the lathe game, did a bit as a kid and knocked up the odd bush/spacer at work for my motorcycles, but never had to actually look for parts for these old machines.

      Thanks and looking forward to replies

      Nicholas Farr

        Hi Julian, welcome to the forum, however, you may find spares easier to get if you join the Boxford users group Boxford User Group

        Regards Nick.

        Clive Brown 1

          There is also a Boxford & Denford user group on Facebook. Easy to join and a couple of members seem to trade in Boxford bits & pieces. Make sure that you get a tailstock of the correct centre height  The earlier machines are 4-1/2″ but the later models, after about mid ’70s, are 5″. There is a lot of Boxford information on Lathes.co.uk website. The Facebook group have a downloadable files section including the useful “Know Your Lathe” manual published by Boxford.

          Julian Ramsey

            Thanks Nick – I have joined

            Julian Ramsey

              Thanks also Clive – I’ll join.



                How long did you look on ebay? Tailstocks come up two or three times a year. k

                Julian Ramsey

                  Just looked today – only picked the lathe up this morning

                  Paul Lousick

                    Boxford lathes were originally a clone of the American Southbend, as are Hercus in Australia. I have a Hercus and all of the Southbend parts are interchangeable with it.

                    It’s worth investigating if a tailstock will fit your lathe.

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