That’s a first! I have never been called a lurker before!
Wikipedia definition: In Internet culture, a lurker is typically a member of an online community or PLN who observes, but does not actively participate. The exact definition depends on context. Lurkers make up a large proportion of all users in online communities. Lurking allows users to learn the conventions of an online community before they actively participate, improving their socialization when they eventually de-lurk. However, a lack of social contact while lurking sometimes causes loneliness or apathy among lurkers. Lurkers are referred to using many names, including browsers, read-only participants, non-public participants, legitimate peripheral participants, or vicarious learners.
If you look at my first post I like to think I am a little more than a lurker. I am definitely not a Thomas, Richard or Harold but I have bowed to the inevitable and I am trying to achieve the status of trusted poster boy, like you Jason.
In the meantime if I must have a tag I prefer “legitimate peripheral participant”. It has more a touch of class than lurker!
It is also worth remembering though that a newspaper without readers is not even tomorrows chip paper. Perhaps in the furtherance of our hobby (wondered when Model Engineering might creep in) both should be valued.