Posted by David George 1 on 19/03/2022 07:01:06:
Hi Stuart welcome to the forum. Loads of bike people on here. I used to work for Dresda motorcycles for a while down you way now I believe.
Indeed Dresda used to be quite local to me. Initially it was started by a chap called Dave Degens. I believe he's still involved with it, although they're now in Horsham.
A lot of the machining I do is making parts for all those folks who wish to fit different wheels, and/or forks to their bikes. So it's the usual spacers etc.
I also do disabled adaptations, such as left hand front brake, left hand thumb rear brake etc, It's interesting work, but very time consuming. Hence getting folks to pay for it can be tiresome. As you all know manual machining isn't quick, and working out the dimensions one requires also takes time.
I work with a lot of high carbon steels, and stainless steels. I've found this site to be very useful when it comes to tips on machining brass and other soft metals.