Hello all, once again thank you for the replies, unfortunately life has been in the way somewhat and I have been remiss in addressing this.
The lathe is a Myford, the Mill is an Elliott Mini Mill, the drills are Corona and a Kerry. I have sent some pictures to a clearance company; not the route I necessarily wanted but even going through the local District Engineering Society there were no contacts and there was one from a classified here, but I had no way to contact them back.
Rather disappointing; I am not looking for silly money, more a good home that will actually cherish them. Yes, they need a clean-up but to be forthright about it, I do not have clue as to what half the stuff is, it is decades since I was in front of a lathe or Milling Machine, I stick to my carpentry! Someone could probably get an absolute bargain.
Again, thank you for the advice, Kind regards, Jon