Hello Chris, I spent a lot of time around your neck of the woods, I’m ex- kiddy college & Worcs uni so I’m familiar with the territory, and I used to play in a band with a girl who lived on one of the Stourport caravan sites so you could say I’m sort of adopted
Howard, thank you for that – your now my hero for pointing out the 20t change wheels for the ratio, unfortunately I don’t have a 20t wheel but I know I can get them off eBay.
Yes I’ve looked into buying them & perhaps you could shed a little light on this for me, as I’m sure I’m not understanding this or I’m looking at it wrong;
RS are selling just a 20T cog for £27.44
One quote for a “4 off batch” of worm drive & gear =£120
Another for 11 pieces – which is 5 worm drives & 6 cogs I think) = £980
and I can buy a bag of 30 18T cogs off eBay for £7
what am I missing or not understandining here? And bear in mind that a top of the range tuner is £25 – but as you know that’s not the point for me, I’d like to make my own.
The ratio is kind of important, I think 18:1 & 20:1 are the usual accepted ones & it’s more so keeping the size of the actual tuner to a decent enough size to fit on the headstock, I’ll try to upload some pics when I get home to illustrate what I’m on about.
Thank you for explaining that for me, I followed it all until you talked about cutting the worm then that but lost me completely, I’ll look it up when I get home