Hello all!
I had dreamed about having a metal shop for many years, but it wasn't until 2016 when my wife and I finally bought a house and I could start one. My workshop is pretty small and is a mix of fairly new far east machines as well as vintage machinery from Sweden and Germany.
I got a small bench lathe and a mill from SIEG, a Deckel pantograph engraver/mill, a small surface grinder and finally, what's probably my favourite, a large Swedish made shaping machine.
I've been a forum member for quite a while, but only reading really and it's not going to change any time soon. I really like model engines and while steam is what I eventually want to play with, for now I am happy with stirling and vacuum engines. To make them I often need to build the tools first. I either can't or don't want to buy them and then I spend more time making tools than the actual project