Posted by Chris Evans 6 on 02/12/2016 17:11:07:
Alan, the heater I use is an "Erberspacher" (spelling ?) It is a cab heater from a large lorry and works with a fan blowing over the cast burner and due to the air flow I have no condensation worries. It takes in air from outside the garage and also exhausts through the wall. Try Google Erberspacher D5 you may get more idea. Very low fuel consumption means I can afford to put it on an hour before I go out to do any work.
Back in the late 1990s my next door neighbour was a BT linesman/installer. His van was amazing, designed, I reckon, by a 3D jig-saw genius! Everything he might need slotted in somewhere, even provision for hand washing.
But here's the 'on-topic' part: one frosty morning, I was awoken by his van making a noise reminiscent of a small jet aircraft warming up for take-off. When I asked him about it, he explained that it was a built-in heater, powered by diesel fuel and programmable. So he didn't need to get up 30 minutes earlier on frosty mornings to scrape the windscreens etc. He could breakfast at leisure and come out of the house to a warmed-up vehicle, start it at the first turn of the key and drive off with fingers & toes as warm as toast!
Best regards,
Swarf, Mostly!