From my doodling around with solar stuff I stumbled across the fact that the best colour for emitting heat is black.
Radiators around the house should in fact be painted with black, not white paint to maximise heat emmission.
…can't see the missus agreeing though…
I would read up on modern heat insulation stuff jens, there's bound to be something which meets your needs.
Also the home furnace metal casting internet community will have quite a few tech heads who will know what you should look for.
Here's a chap who's trying to use his microwave as a furnace for silver and Gold
He's got up to about 1000 degrees Centigrade in his home microwave so far
…instant superheated steam pot noodle has become a reality…just watch your fingers
He finds that ceramic fibre wool protects the walls of his microwave oven
That might be what you are looking for.
Edited By Ady1 on 22/03/2012 01:13:53