I use NHS hearing aids, and am supposed to get them, and me, checked every 3 years, otherwise I need another referral by the GP. But what the heck, at the mileage involved, 27 miles to the main Audiology clinic or 14 miles to another clinic, both of which have proper sound insulated hearing rooms, (I mention that because there are two nearer clinics which don't have sound proof rooms and which I now will not use.) there is a strong disincentive to go.
Anyway, I have Menieres in one ear which after the application of Gentamycin to stop the vertigo etc just about works, indeed one audiologist, at least I think that's what she was, actually asked why I was bothering with a hearing aid in that ear, it was so bad. In the other ear, well, I don't know what happened, something did, but during a choral concert which I was taking part in, I lost most of my bass response, resulting in the provision of a hearing aid for that ear. Gradually over I think about 18 months or so, some bass response has returned and the last ime I had it checked, she said that I was better than before. Explain that one!
So, private or NHS? Well, after discovering how a certain underclass seem able to live off State funds without working, with no-one doing anything about it, I thought, right, if the state supplies it, then if I need it, then I will take it. Selfish? You bet! But I have spent a large number of years working, paying large amounts of tax etc, and then to see people getting stuff for free, well it sticks in the craw.
Sorry about that moan.
Peter G. Shaw