I found somewhere in Cairns that sells the silver solder paste : Whitworths Marine. You can see the syringe in the photo below. Also in photo 1 is the 243 degree soft solder, the plumbers flux paste and the soldering iron I had intended to use to tin the cylinder and the steam chest. I spent the afternoon making sure everything fits together correctly first. I also cut two stainless steel rods 2.3mm X 10mm long which will sit in the steam holes which must not be blocked. You can see them sitting in the holes in the cylinder supported from below with a piece of aluminium. This is probably not necessary but I am getting a bit paranoid about stuffing this up : a lot of work has gone into these two parts !
I tried tinning some scrap brass after first applying flux to both sides. I cannot get a nice film of solder like they do in the videos ; I just end up with a mess although the parts did stick together after heating them up with a small blow torch (items 1 and 2 from the right).
I then tried the solder paste and the blow torch which worked better (item 3 from the right). I also tested the solder paste on the stainless steel rod to make sure it would not stick to the brass and it does not. It looks like I may have to use the solder paste.
You almost need three hands for this !
Edited By Brian John on 08/08/2017 08:34:18
Edited By Brian John on 08/08/2017 08:35:34
Edited By Brian John on 08/08/2017 08:36:38
Edited By Brian John on 08/08/2017 08:37:59